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Private Eye magazine

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2000,   01,   02,   03,   04,   05,   06,   07,   08,   09,   10,   11,   12,   13,   14,   15,  

Find Year From Issue Number  



date / issue number / price / cover [£** = None in stock]


9 January / 1097 / £5.00 / New Terrier Alert

23 January / 1098 / £5.00 / Blair Answers Critics - "It Was His Fault"

6 February / 1099 / £5.00 / Hutton Report in Full

20 February / 1100 / £5.00 / Howard's Dream - "I'm Going To Freeze Your Blood"

5 March / 1101 / £5.00 / UN Iraq War Shock - "No one listens to me"

19 March / 1102 / £5.00 / Big Three Election Shock - Going ... Going ... Gone!

2 April / 1103 / £5.00 / Libya: Peace At Last - "I've Got Rid Of All My Weapons"

16 April / 1104 / £5.00 / Posh and Tex - Is It All Over? "We're completely ****ed!"

30 April / 1105 / £5.00 / Press Baron Switches Political Allegiance

14 May / 1106 / £5.00 / The Picture That Shamed America

28 May / 1107 / £5.00 / Flour Show Souvenir Issue

11 June / 1108 / £5.00 / Dubya Meets The Pope

25 June / 1109 / £5.00 / Yes! It's Wayne Tooney - Euro referendum mania starts here!

magnetic toe rings

9 July / 1110 / £5.00 / Saddam: New Weapons Shock

23 July / 1111 / £5.00 / Butler Report No Shock

6 August / 1112 / £5.00 / Palios Quits Shock

20 August / 1113 / £5.00 / Blunkett In Love - Watch Out He's On Heat

3 September / 1114 / £5.00 / Thatcher Claims Innocence - "Lord Archer Will Vouch For Me"

17 September / 1115 / £5.00 / Cherie 50th Birthday Souvenir Issue

1 October / 1116 / £5.00 / Blair & Brown: The War Goes On

15 October / 1117 / £5.00 / Was Bush Wired? "Say 'Hello' George" - "Hello George"

29 October / 1118 / £5.00 / Labour's Big Gamble - "I bet we get away with this"

12 November / 1119 / £5.00 / Bush re-elected "Four Moron Years"

26 November / 1120 / £5.00 / Boris Souvenir Issue - "I'm Going Horizontal Joggong!"

10 December / 1121 / £5.00 / Christmas Special - "Apparently It's David Blunkett's"

24 December / 1122 / £5.00 / Santa Green Energy Cartoon by McLachlan


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